Friday, August 29, 2008

Into the Fray...

Hello and welcome to the first of what will hopefully be many blog posts! Probably you're thinking "who is this guy and why do I care?", to which I would retort "you must know or else how did you find me"? In all seriousness, I am interested in a wide range of topics and I would like one central place to brain dump, get feedback, and toss around ideas. Here are some of the categories I am interested in:
  • Computer programming, especially in C/C++, and occasionally assembler and machine architecture. I like systems-level programming like driver writing for NT or Linux, multi-threaded programming, virtualization and emulation. I also enjoy various scientific applications such as physics simulators, control systems, signal processing, etc../
  • General tips on computer administration, working-around problems with cutting edge beta software, reviews and insight into upcoming products/technologies, and similar topics.
  • Hardware design (schematics, layouts, DRC etc...)
  • Automotive tuning e.g. engine swaps, forced induction, EFI, weight reduction, etc..
  • The occasional rant/rave about current events, funny links, cheesy puns and joke references to obscure 80's, 90's trivia (okay so I have at least that one weakness).
I enjoy feedback and I don't mind being corrected when I am wrong, just know that there is no such thing as a wrong opinion - unless you believe that dogs lay eggs. I really enjoy when a reader takes it to the next level and posts great follow-up material: nobody is an expert in everything, so there will almost always be someone who has looked into the very same topic from another perspective, with a deeper understanding, or arrived at an alternate conclusion.

Also it's great to discuss and debate differing theories on phenomenon and to constructively compare/contrast tradeoffs of one particular technology, approach, or solution but to just plain flame or fly off the handle just shows how little you are :)

So I look forward to a lively debate, a lot of interesting topics and feedback, some laughs, and hopefully very few tears.